TIGSource<\/a> for which I created the first version of MMORPG Tycoon. \u00a0I always knew that they’d beat me to market! \u00a0;)<\/p>\nEufloria is basically a space RTS, in which colonies of spores fight against other colonies of spores for possession of asteroids within an asteroid belt.<\/p>\n
Now, people who know me will tell you that I have a thing about RTS games. \u00a0I want to love them; \u00a0I eagerly await their release, purchase them, install them, and then play them up to about level four, at which point I remember that I don’t actually like RTS games, and then I never play them again. \u00a0This cycle repeats about every four months or so, whenever a new RTS is released. \u00a0But Eufloria is the most laid-back, casual-friendly, and atmospheric RTS game that you’re ever likely to see, and I’m still playing it. \u00a0It’s one of the few games released this year that I honestly wish I had created myself.<\/p>\n