The first fight

If I’m being honest, this isn’t the very first fight.  It’s not even the very first fight of this particular subscriber (apparently she fought a different monster, before fighting this one, since she already had a few experience points when I checked her stats, later);  this is just the first fight that I managed to…

With Monsters

Folks might remember in the 1.0 version of MMORPG Tycoon, there was a limit of 100 players per zone;  if the zone filled up, any new players who attempted to enter the zone would be knocked offline, and the server could crash (unlikely;  from memory, it was about a 1% chance of a server crash…

Easing back into development

So after about a week’s break, I’m venturing back into code again. I’ve mostly been starting slow, with  minor improvements to the code, before starting on the big ticket items that lead toward finishing milestone 1.  First up, I’ve improved the placing of roads.  For anybody who played with version 1.1, you’ll recall that if…

Quick note

Just a quick comment that I’ve not been getting much done this week;  big deadline coming up at work which has meant that I’ve been working extra hours, and haven’t really been feeling up to coding home stuff in my off-hours.  The deadline is this coming Monday;  I’m hoping not to need to work across…

Stroke-based mountain range

Yesterday I showed the first bridge in MMORPG Tycoon 2.  Today, I’m showing the first human-placed mountain range.  Under the new system, you can place big terrain features using almost exactly the same interface as is used to place roads.  Select the type of terrain you want, then draw a line showing where you want…