Just for you, Dan. :)

Antialiased, as requested. There are really four different kinds of antialiasing.  These are: Supersampling:  Draw a really, really big image, and then scale it down for the final display.  Requires lots of extra memory to store that really big image, and lots of extra fill rate to draw all those extra pixels. Multisampling:  Draw normally,…


Very subtle changes today.  Today, I flipped the switch and Tycoon is now rendering entirely using OpenGL shaders, instead of the fixed function pipeline..  My games have always used OpenGL shaders for the glowing “bloom” effect typically used on vector lines.  However, until today they rendered everything other than the “bloom” using OpenGL’s standard functions.…

183 files

I just thought I’d mention that there are, at present, 183 source files in MMORPG Tycoon 2. That count does include the 85 source files which are part of the core VectorStorm game engine, but doesn’t include the 31 source files which make up Box2D (which I’m still inexplicably building into MMORPG Tycoon 2, even…

Placing buildings

More on interface niceties.  Today I’ve half-converted the building placement interface to the new script-based system. I say “half-converted”, because while the new system is completely functional, the UI hasn’t been adjusted to actually use it yet;  if you click on the buttons in the usual build interface, you still get the old interface.  The…

New this week:

Further UI improvements, working on improving general usability.  I’m trying to expand on the existing features, making them more powerful and easier to use.  This has required a fair amount of “under the hood” work.  Right now, the UI is using both the old and new systems, with the old systems taking priority (that is,…