M1 nearly done

I thought I was going to get the M1 technology demo build out today, but I ran into a nasty crash bug occurring when PCs outlevel the starting region.  Took me about two hours to figure it out.  As a result, there’s not enough time left to get the build out, tonight. The only tasks…


Spent today working on extending procedural geometry, toward creating a procedural graveyard.  Obviously it’s not really there yet, but I’ve now got support for randomised features, for automatically creating models inside a space, etc.  All of this geometry here is automatically created, when you place a single graveyard.  It all works together as a single…

Jolly Rover

The latest thing I’m playing:  Jolly Rover, by Andrew Goulding of Brawsome.  It’s totally bringing me back to the glory days of LucasArts and Sierra point-and-click adventures.  I was initially a bit doubtful about the whole “pirate dogs” setting, but I’d completely accepted it by about five minutes into the game.  As much as I…

Today’s bug

So for the last few days, I’ve occasionally seen a weird graphic glitch like this;  a big band of white at the very bottom of the screen, drawing over world and UI and everything.  It would show up infrequently.  Perhaps once every hour of testing, and it would last for about three seconds, and then…

Mini update

Today I noticed just how broken the AI is in multiple-monster-versus-one-PC situation.  For example… When several monsters are attacking a PC and kill him, the monster which scored the killing blow will immediately go back to its spawn point, while the other monsters won’t notice that the kill happened, and will chase the PC to…