ATI glitch found, workaround in progress

Apparently, most (all?) recent ATI cards’ OpenGL drivers have a bug where if a program specifies that it requires a hardware-accelerated OpenGL context, then ATI gives you the default software-implemented Microsoft GDI-based OpenGL v1.1 renderer, instead. On the other hand, if you don’t tell it that you need an accelerated context, then it will give…

Updated MMORPG Tycoon 2-MS1 build

Just a quick note;  I found the reason why starting points weren’t able to be placed in the Win32 build, and have uploaded a fix.  The OS X build was not affected.  (ed:  There’s now a newer build.  Links to the old build removed) Here’s a link to the updated Win32 build. And for Mac…

MMORPG Tycoon 2 – MS1 Tech Demo

First, a request.  If you grab the Win32 build, please leave a comment on this post about whether or not it runs for you.  As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, I’ve made a lot of last-minute changes to my build environment, and finally ended up making the build on a Mac, running a Win32 compiler…

Windows hates me

So I upgraded video drivers, and discovered that ATI had actually (apparently) removed much of the OpenGL functionality in those newer drivers.  Shaders, VBOs, and several other long-standard features are completely gone. Granted, it was an old machine, and a not-very-powerful video card.  But removing features that used to be there..  well, that just seems…

Status of Win32 Build

So VectorStorm isn’t really happy on Win32 right now.  I’ve spent several hours, and finally have gotten it far enough to actually render.  Well, sorta. First, I should note that my Win32 development machine is kind of old, and has a really slow 3D card.  It doesn’t support multisampling/antialiasing (which is a good thing;  it…