More on StarCraft II

So I mentioned last time that my usual thing with RTS games is to get annoyed with them and stop playing after level 5 or 6.  Well I’m here to tell you that I’ve gotten annoyed with it.  Sadly, StarCraft doesn’t number its missions, but I think I’ve done about five or six of them…

A technical post

Here’s a screenshot that won’t excite anybody but me. Can you spot the exciting thing?  It’s not the cylinders (which should hopefully be proper trees by the end of the day, but are as of yet still just cylinders waiting to be shaped) — it’s actually the little green horizontal line at the bottom left…

StarCraft II: The Heart of the Tiger

Is it just me, or is there a whiff of the Wing Commander 3 around StarCraft 2’s single player campaign mode?   I mean, Mission -> Cutscene -> Awkwardly composed interactive GUI with actors uncomfortably standing in front of a low-resolution static CG backdrop, where you click on the actors to talk to them until…

Very quick update

Just a quick note that the bare bones animation system I mentioned before is now working.  “Actors” are shared, so you only have one copy of each animated model in memory (although that detail is hidden from game code).  Each animated model can have any number of animations.  Each instance of each actor can have…

Multipart models

So I was hoping to get animations in and working today, but as it turns out, there was a dependency that I hadn’t thought about — to have animations work nicely, I really needed support for multi-part models.  That is, a single file which can contain a whole hierarchy of renderable objects, including their relative…