Objects in motion

Stuff’s happening RE: paying work. Not yet entirely certain what, or how (or whether) it affects things here. I should have full information within about 48 hours or so. Will update as soon as I know anything more definite than “things are happening”. Wish me luck! :) Update, 24 hours later: Sounds like things are…


So here’s something that I’ve wanted to do ever since that early alpha of MMORPG Tycoon v1.1;  get a proper concave end onto the mouse cursor. Since v1.1, the mouse cursor has been implemented using an algorithm more commonly used for simulating rubberised fabrics.  In effect, each point in the model acts like a spring…

State of the Spam

Spam comments since my last post:  95.  (All automatically caught by Akismet.  Yay, Akismet!  Don’t know how I’d cope with comments on this blog without them.) I just got the most entertaining cold call ever (cold calls are basically audio spam, right?).  The nice woman on the other end of the line (who seemed to…


Here I am, standing on top of one of the posts of the fence around a graveyard, targeting and attacking a helpless monster that an AI developer is in the process of placing into the world.  (I obviously still haven’t added range limitations to these attacks) I’ve been trying a few different general GUI approaches,…

A new game

So I’ve invented a new game for myself, to fill time while waiting for my AI developers to finish placing monsters every time I want to test the latest developments with the new combat system. I call this game “The ground is hot lava.  If I touch it, I die.”  Most usually, I play this…