Teaching a computer to lie

So yesterday, the obvious giveaway that a suspect was lying to you was that he suddenly wouldn’t see anyone else, even if that someone else was in the same room with him just a moment ago;  if he was lying about where he was going as he left the room, then he’d forget that other…

Site housekeeping

Just a few quick notices: I think I’ve re-fixed integration between the blog and the forums;  should no longer require re-logging in when you switch from one to the other. I’ve deleted a rather staggering number of accounts which had never posted anything to either the blog or the forums.  (About 4000 of them;  we…

Slowly progressing

The interesting thing about this murder mystery timeline generation is just how many special cases there are. Things like making sure that if (for example) I need to find a guest who can witness an event, I need to make sure that where I’m moving them to isn’t where they were fifteen minutes earlier or…

This Right Here is What We Call a Leap of Faith

I used to think that pitching a product to the VP of LucasArts was the scariest thing I’d ever done (though they did eventually say ‘yes’).  Or worse, pitching to Microsoft (who said ‘no’).  Or even worse, asking that girl out to the end-of-year dance way back in 7th grade (she said ‘yes’!  Yeah, now…

The Further Adventures of XBox Live Achievement Bird

Since I know you’ve all been dying to know.. XBox Live Achievement Bird was a bird that tended to hang around the exterior of my house, occasionally making a noise surprisingly similar to the noise made when unlocking an achievement on the XBox 360.  I’ve mentioned him (her?) a few times on my Twitter account,…