GoGoGo, a post-mortem

So, some discussion on GoGoGo;  what went well, what didn’t, and what I’ve learned from the experience. As I mentioned before, Increpare proposed an end-of-year game jam (link to his game), and I absolutely jumped on-board.  I’ve been sitting out of most community game-making events for the past year or so (TIGSource competitions, Ludum Dare,…


So about ten hours ago, Stephen “Increpare” Lavelle invited me to take part in a “New Year’s” game jam, with the goal of finishing a new game in the few hours before the new year.  (Of course, I had to be creative with time zones!) How could I possibly refuse?  And of course, the title…

GUI considerations on touchscreens

Here’s an interesting thing I’ve learned from playing around with GUI stuff on the iPhone and iPad (and I expect this to carry over to other touchscreen surfaces as well): On a finger-based touchscreen, it’s much easier and less stressful for a user to press buttons which are tall and narrow, than to press buttons…

And the launch of VGKnowHow

I’m not sure whether I’m going to keep posting these videos here to my blog.  I guess I probably should, at least for the immediate future.  Regardless, they’re also going to be posted over on the VGKnowHow site.  There’s also now a permanent link at the top of the VectorStorm site.  Once I have one…

The daily update

So I mentioned yesterday that my goal for today was to have guests extrapolating their lies a bit better, so they could tell lies which included information that they were only guessing at.  However, with holiday stuff going on, I actually didn’t get a whole lot of coding time to make progress on that front.…