Quick straw poll

This is mostly for the programmers in the audience. In the VectorStorm library, I have a “box” class which represents a 2D or 3D box.  Currently, you initialise one of these by specifying the positions of two opposite corners. For a long while, I’ve been thinking about adding the ability to just set the width…

What’s going on

So here’s what’s going on. The video studio where I do the VGKnowHow series is closed for the first part of the year.  I’d initially hoped that I could put together a video on my own, just as a screencast, but it turns out that my computer just isn’t powerful enough to do that at…

Some bugfixes to VectorStorm

I have no idea what this image is. I’ve made a bunch of little tweaks to the VectorStorm engine today.  Most notably: When doing a scene update, the camera now updates last, instead of first.  Previously, the camera would pick where to be before the game had a chance to take any actions, which usually…

When it rains, it pours

I’ve just updated the trunk of the VectorStorm subversion repository with all the accumulated library changes from MMORPG Tycoon 2, Spratt 2, and GoGoGo!  So for any of you who are interested in all of that, it’s now live and publicly available.  Subversion repository details are on the Vectorstorm Test Games page. I’ve also updated…

Bugs keep creeping in…

First and foremost:  I’ve put up another update to GoGoGo!.  If you were having crashes or etc, go grab that. Technical stuff follows: In computer graphics, the scarcest resource is currently (usually) communication time.  That is, you only have a certain amount of time for the CPU to deliver data and instructions to the graphics…