I promised a useless screenshot

So here ya go. Today, I’ve been struggling with some old 2D rendering code, trying to make lines line up properly between separate objects.  In this shot, the smaller rectangle should be adjacent to one of the other rectangles, but for some reason is not.  Can’t really figure it out.  But it’s time to get…


I’ve mentioned before that my parents read this blog.  And that my current boss reads it as well.  Also, several of my old workmates started reading it when I posted my retrospective of my time in the games industry.  And now I’ve learned that several of my current workmates have discovered it as well.  So,…

Today’s progress

So for the first time in many months, I’ve spent the day sitting in front of the television, working on an old laptop instead of my normal desktop development machine. Comments, in point form: As “background noise” behind programming, television seems to work a lot better than music for me. My laptop really is a…

Roman Numerals

I’ve noticed that 104, in roman numerals, is CIV. I’d be feeling really clever, if there was any way in the world that I could make a game like Civ in only seven days.  As is, it’s just another dead-end in my attempts to come up with a theme for this GiaW.  But there’s plenty…

Game in a Week #8 Begins

I own a Kindle.  In fact, I own two.  This is not, in itself,  relevant to anything in this blog post, except inasmuch as most of my new book acquisitions over the past year or so have been in electronic format.  Electronic book readers are fantastic for making it convenient to lug otherwise heavy hardback…