
I really would have liked to put in an introductory sequence, but there’s simply no time;  it’s 10:30pm, and I need to handle final packaging and uploading.  So 104 is done! Watch the space to the right for downloads.  Should be within an hour. Update:  It’s now available for download!  Check the sidebar.  And now,…

Three hours to go

So with three hours to go, I only have a few things left on my “to do” list: One sprite to add. One sound-effect to find and trigger Add instructions.  (Probably will just be text floaters within the level, because that’ll be fastest to do) Maybe think about making the title screen less awful. Arrange…

Goal for the day

Things done today: Player control basically finalised.  Feeling pretty good about it. First pass at world generation. Lots of improvements to VectorStorm’s Box2D integration. Discovered that the game idea I’ve been pursuing this week has been done before.  Not changing it, though. Played a couple games of StarCraft 2.  Should really learn to not do…


Today, I have player control working in a simple box world.  Tomorrow, I start work on the world and the rough game rules.  That’ll leave the weekend for overall game structure and polish.  I love it when a plan comes together!