Unexpected behaviour

Ladies and gentlemen, cascading shadow maps are working.  (High-resolution shadows up close, low-resolution in the distance.  In this screenshot, all the visible shadows are low-resolution;  the high-res ones are mostly only visible when you’re down near the ground) This isn’t the best shot of the shadows;  I’ll take another screenshot later tonight which will be…

Surface acne

This is what I’m struggling with right now. In discussions about shadows, these sorts of odd striations and blemishes are generally referred to as “self-shadow surface acne”. They’re commonly caused by math imprecision when a surface (such as here, the mountain) throws a shadow onto itself.  The shadow-caster and the shadow-receiver are so close together…

A different perspective

I was ill for part of last week, so haven’t made quite the progress on items that I wanted to.  But I’m starting on the work needed for cascaded shadow maps, for really nice full-world shadow support. The first requirement for this is to be able to render an orthographic projection. Orthographic projections are actually…

Shadow speed

This post isn’t actually about shadows.  But after poking around a bit, I’ve finally got shadows performing nicely.  Look at that timing bar at the bottom left corner of the screenshot, and compare it against any of the recent screenshots (with or without shadows) to see how little a performance difference is being caused by…