MacBook Pro Retina graphic performance issues & fix

Edit, about 21 months later, since I notice a lot of folks still arriving at this page from search engines:  Apple eventually fixed the issue I report in this post via a firmware update, more than a year ago.  I’ve seen no recurrence of the problem I mention above since then, and I’m still happily…


A few minutes ago, I finally succeeded at getting stencil buffers to work in the VectorStorm engine.  (I’ll be pushing this, along with a few related changes, into the public repository later today) Ignoring the modified GUI which is visible here (which I’ll talk about more in a day or two), the important point to…

Vectorstorm goes zlib

Just as a quick note, I’ve finally gotten around to changing the license under which I offer the Vectorstorm engine code.  Previously, it was GPLv3.  Now it’s released under the terms of the zlib license, which is far more permissive.  Been meaning to do this for years, and only got around to it while I…

And I’m finally back

So between an awkward house move, various personal and family illnesses, work, and home development, it turns out that the blog is the first thing to drop off my schedule. Short version:  Move completed.  My cold/flu thing appears to finally (finally!) be gone (though I’m still not going to the gym for a few more…

What’s going on

I need to apologise for the long hiatus; got a bunch of things going on right now.  Between some family health issues, an upcoming house move, the day job, and etc.. it’s all been a bit overwhelming for me, and my online presence (like my sleep cycle) has really suffered. Most likely, I’m going to…