
I’m currently in PST in the USA;  It’s about 11pm on December 31st as I type this, so I’ve managed to come in just under the wire for my “before the New Year” deadline.  (The website itself runs in Australian time, so is labelling this post as January 1st) In the end, I created a…

A game before the new year

So I’m supposed to be completing a new game before the new year comes in.  Including today, that’s seven days. In the past, my approach to “game in a week” projects has usually been: Days 1,2:  Brainstorm ideas Day 3: Pick a project to make, set up a repository, get an empty “game” shell set…


A few years back, on New Year’s Eve, Stephen “Increpare” Lavelle challenged me to create a game before the new year.  I had about eight hours to put something together  (I’d finished coding in time for the deadline, but arranging the Win32 version and setting up a download page took me a few minutes into…

Minor cmake issue

As a quick warning to anyone who might be looking at the VectorStorm codebase, as of cmake version 2.8.10 (or thereabouts), the variables describing where to find SDL_mixer and SDL_image have changed from SDLMIXER_* and SDLIMAGE_* to SDL_MIXER_* and SDL_IMAGE_*, respectively.  Which caused me a good fifteen minutes of confusion before I was able to…


I just wanted to mention how thrilled I am to have the game’s minimap actually working. And it makes me smile a bit that it’s drawing using basically the same style (and data files!) that I was using for the whole game in MMORPG Tycoon 1.1. In the minimap, the player is represented as a…