
So I just received a Raspberry Pi, which is a tiny, low-power Linux computer that sells for about $25. The Raspberry Pi itself is approximately the same size as the power supply for my current laptop.  It is very slightly larger than my mouse (I use a small mouse.  It’s similar in size to a…

What I’m up to these days

It’s becoming common for me to have a few weeks between posts to the blog.  Makes me feel a little sad.  I’ve just not been feeling very creative, lately, and so I haven’t had much to talk about.  MMORPG Tycoon 2 development has been completely stalled for the past few weeks, not for any good…

Settling the build toolchain

So there have been some rocky spots in my OS X build chain recently. Most notably, the OS X builds I’ve been producing for the last few months have been completely broken for people not using OSX 10.8 (“Mountain Lion”).  Additionally, I’ve put out three or four releases of Atop for OS X, none of…

Site update

I’ve made some behind-the-scenes modifications to the site to try to get it to load faster.  Hopefully the difference will be noticeable!  Still kind of unhappy with how slow the site is to administer, but at least viewing it seems faster. Keep thinking that I ought to switch away from WordPress and into something more…

Atop, a week in review

I was intending to write this earlier, but it just never quite seemed like the right time to sit down and write. This is sort of a post-mortem on Atop.  “Sort of,” in that I may return to it someday.  Actually, let’s strike that.  This is a post-mortem.  If I do continue with Atop, it’ll…