Rift Atop

So as it turns out, I’ve actually spent very little time working on that Rift port of Atop.  I’ve instead been working on a user interface for buying new game regions in MMORPG Tycoon 2 (buying with in-game cash.  No real-world microtransactions here!  Although I do plan to eventually have simulated ones inside the game…

Into the Rift

I’ve taken a little time off from working on MMORPG Tycoon 2 over the past few days, and have been playing with an Oculus Rift VR headset dev kit, adding native support for it to the VectorStorm engine. It’s not in the VectorStorm trunk yet, but I’ve put it into a special “rift” branch which…

New server

Just a quick note that I’ve moved us to a new server machine.  (Same hosting company, same data center, almost the same IP address, etc).  If you see this post, then you’ve reached the new server machine. Hopefully nothing has broken in the transition.  One thing I’m aware of is that the Subversion repositories for…

Proper dudes

Just for comparison, this is closer to what I was aiming for, in the last post. Actually, the eventual goal is to support a lot of different models for characters, not just this one.  Should be reasonably easy to do, since these characters are (mostly) going through the same procedural model generation code as most…


I’ve finally gotten around to starting on implementing the simple “block” representation of player characters in MT2.  For quite a while, I was thinking about using sprites for the player characters, perhaps similar to the simple, iconic ones in Prison Architect.  But because our camera can zoom right down to ground level, I felt that…