Today’s progress

Over the past few hours, I’ve gotten my Windows builds working under the new SDL2 libraries, which is fantastic news — that’s one big task off my list, and makes me very comfortable about moving everything over to SDL2 for future releases. There are also a bunch of little technical fixes under the hood: VectorStorm’s…

The leap of faith

So I’m not completely certain about this yet, but I’m going to announce it anyway. I’m going to be releasing the third milestone build of MMORPG Tycoon 2 on January 6th — that’s just over two months from now.  It’ll be a free download from this site.  And if all goes well, it’ll be the…


The little red-clad character in this screenshot is Graja. Graja has the distinction of  being the first character ever to reach max-level in MMORPG Tycoon 2 (currently the level cap is set to 20.  Her simulated owner is a competitive woman by the name of “Sabrina Lawson”.) Sadly, she managed this feat due to a…

Puzzle Script

Increpare recently released Puzzle Script, an HTML5 puzzle game engine which really tickles at my reptilian programmer hind-brain.  In its programming language, the process of building a puzzle game becomes one of recognising and munging patterns.  If you’re even vaguely interested in these sorts of games, you absolutely owe it to yourself to have a…