Continued VectorStorm development

So one of the things I realised from Muncher’s Labyrinth is that even though these games are relatively simple, I can still get far too many objects inside the collision system to run at realtime (this is the reason why the blood and other particles in Muncher’s don’t collide against the walls of the maze).…

VectorStorm gamepad support

So I borrowed a couple of gamepads from various friends, and have been spending the morning fixing VectorStorm’s gamepad support, and have reached what I consider to be “stage one” support. “Stage one” support is that the system is set up correctly to work with an XBox 360 gamepad by default, and the Preferences game…

Filled-color vector sprites

Wow, that went a lot faster than I expected. I finished all of the tasks I laid myself in the last post, and so VectorStorm can now lay down areas of color by using a combination of a VertexArray command to specify vertices, and a TriangleStrip or TriangleFan command, specifying the order in which to…