Safe zone annoyances

So last night I downloaded and spent a little time playing Lost Cities on XBox Live Arcade. Lost Cities is a card game, and I’m a big fan of board/card/etc. games, and really enjoy them when computerised, particularly when they use the computer to automate things which had been annoying without a computer. For example,…

Networking added to core VectorStorm engine

I’ve now put a first pass implementation of very basic networking into the core VectorStorm engine.  This is only a very, very rudimentary implementation (and will currently only work under UNIX operating systems;  I need to load it up under Windows and add the necessary extra WinSock calls.  Shouldn’t take but a few minutes). Here’s…

Murder timeline generation, take two

The Game-in-a-Week version of Nicholas Spratt (the downloadable one available from the sidebar) had a reasonably simple murder timeline generation system.  Basically, it picked a murderer and someone to be murdered, and picked a time during the day when the murder would be committed, then “locked” the room in that moment so that no other…

Opaque vectors?

I took a little break from the murder mystery game today, and instead have been spending time on the VectorStorm renderer. I’ve added the ability to switch between additive mode (the way that vector graphic displays traditionally have rendered in the past), and opaque mode (the way that raster graphic displays traditionally have rendered in…

Further work on Nicholas Spratt

So I’ve been doing some more work on Nicholas Spratt today. It’s mostly been housekeeping, trying to clean up some of the uglier things that went in during the last few hours of development in the “Game in a Week” version. But I’ve begun modifying the mansion rendering and camera behaviour in preparation for allowing…