The Sky is Falling

Lots and lots of stuff been going on, lately.  Most notable is probably this prototype for the “taking the MMORPG offline” sequence, in which the sky breaks up into hundreds of pieces and explodes away.  The still probably doesn’t do it proper justice. Other fun stuff includes further rendering optimisations (got VBOs fully working, got…

Progress (or a visible lack thereof)

Just a quick note that yes, I’m still alive and kicking.  Been a little distracted by various non-coding things, but have fixed up a few more rendering issues.  Most notable new stuff is that we no longer waste time drawing terrain triangles which would have been drawn beneath the water (since the water surface is…

The return of brightly glowing

So it’s been an extremely busy day today.  Today I revamped a lot of VectorStorm’s underside, in order to support this magical feature that I’ve been wanting for a while;  the ability to do the old style “bright vector glow” at the same time as rendering other geometry normally.  Long-time readers will have noticed that…

On Optimisations

There’s an old maxim amongst programmers, that premature optimisation is the root of all evil.  Or to put that in a less glib way, it’s generally a bad idea to perform optimisations before your program is completed, and it’s always a bad idea to perform optimisations if you have no way to check your performance…


After all that time fixing and re-fixing VectorStorm’s 3D engine stuff during the development of Lord, I just found yet another whopper of a bug in VectorStorm’s 3D projection matrix (the projection matrix is basically used to ‘flatten’ 3D objects into a 2D plane so that they can be drawn to the screen) .  This…