Safe zone annoyances

So last night I downloaded and spent a little time playing Lost Cities on XBox Live Arcade. Lost Cities is a card game, and I’m a big fan of board/card/etc. games, and really enjoy them when computerised, particularly when they use the computer to automate things which had been annoying without a computer. For example,…

Networking added to core VectorStorm engine

I’ve now put a first pass implementation of very basic networking into the core VectorStorm engine.  This is only a very, very rudimentary implementation (and will currently only work under UNIX operating systems;  I need to load it up under Windows and add the necessary extra WinSock calls.  Shouldn’t take but a few minutes). Here’s…

And WaveFront disappoints

Oh well. The WaveFront (.obj) file format looked ideal yesterday; simple, straight-forward, ASCII-based.. but it doesn’t support object hierarchies, which pretty much limits its utility for me. It means that if I wanted to create a character with multiple joints, I can’t build them all together and make a single export; I’d have to build…

Monday’s progress

So after a few hours of consideration, I’m really finding myself enchanted by the word “sophistication” from the topic. In particular, I have a vague mental image of the player playing as a very small man or a rodent or something, hopping along the heads of anonymous people at an elegant evening soiree. However, in…

Physics code cleanup in progress

This post is going to be extremely boring to everyone who’s not me, but I wanted to quickly express pleasure with a bit of VectorStorm restructuring I’ve been doing today. So apologies to everyone in advance for the technical code discussion that follows. Feel free to ignore the remainder of this post, and I’ll talk…