On translations

So I took a brief break from lighting code today, and laid the foundations for translation support in VectorStorm.  Basically, game code now requests coded “string keys” from the localisation system, and the localisation system provides the matching translated string from a data file.  I have this all working right now, but am missing a…

Progress on Lighting

Wanted to post a quick update.  Work stuff is extremely busy for the next week, possibly the next two weeks, but I’m still getting little bits and pieces done here and there.  I mentioned earlier that I’m working on putting 3D lighting support into VectorStorm, but it’s taking a little longer than I’d hoped. Here’s…

[Tech] Musing on VectorStorm lights

So I mentioned earlier that I’ll be adding lighting support to VectorStorm.  This breaks down into a number of little tasks.  In particular: Need a ‘vsLight’ class for setting up and positioning lights. Need to add ‘normal vector’ support to the vsDisplayList and vsVectorBuffer objects.  And, of course, to the vsRendererSimple. Need to add some…

[Tech] VectorStorm engine updates

I’ve now brought across changes to the core VectorStorm library, which I made during the development of Lord.  The following is probably only of interest to coders.  Sorry, everyone else;  please feel free to skip this post.  :) I mentioned once before that folks shouldn’t be using the VectorStorm 3D API until I posted an…

Adjustment to texture mapping API

In case anybody’s using VectorStorm for their own stuff, I wanted to make a quick comment about an upcoming change to the texture API.  I’ve made this change inside the Lord codebase, and will be migrating it back into trunk as soon as it’s definitely stable. In the previous API, to get a texture you…