
So it’s been a day of maintenance.  I’ve been merging all the VectorStorm library changes back into the public library trunk.  I’m about halfway through;  I’ve got the Mac build working, I’ll get the Win32 build going tomorrow.  The screenshot here is the original 3D sample that you may remember from ages back. Notable changes:…

VectorStorm engine improvements

I’ve spent a day working on VectorStorm engine improvements, today.  Those who aren’t interested in technical details should probably skip the rest of this post;  sorry, guys! Here’s the list of improvements: 2D Display lists now correctly calculate their bounding boxes, even if there are transforms applied within the display list.  (previously, transforms within a…

Bugs which aren’t bugs

Inside VectorStorm, there’s a function vsClamp;  it looks like this: #define vsClamp(a,min,max) ( vsMin( max, vsMax( min, a ) ) ) (modified for legibility;  C/C++ coders, no need to warn me about how painfully dangerous that code snippit is. :) ) You’d use it like this: vsClamp(1, 0, 10) -> 1 vsClamp(0, 10, 20) ->…

The fun of input devices

So I’ve been looking around at various input devices again, and pondering about how VectorStorm might support them.  Tablets and styluses and light guns are, of course, easy, as from software’s point of view, they’re basically just mice which have cursors which ought to vanish when their buttons aren’t being held down..  the VectorStorm engine…

The return of brightly glowing

So it’s been an extremely busy day today.  Today I revamped a lot of VectorStorm’s underside, in order to support this magical feature that I’ve been wanting for a while;  the ability to do the old style “bright vector glow” at the same time as rendering other geometry normally.  Long-time readers will have noticed that…