Puzzle Script

Increpare recently released Puzzle Script, an HTML5 puzzle game engine which really tickles at my reptilian programmer hind-brain.  In its programming language, the process of building a puzzle game becomes one of recognising and munging patterns.  If you’re even vaguely interested in these sorts of games, you absolutely owe it to yourself to have a…


A few hours ago, quite randomly, I met Alex Bruce, the author of Antichamber, a first-person-perspective puzzlish game which I’ve been playing for the past few days.  (Buy it — it’s on sale!)  Tremendously inspiring that a game of this quality came was put together by a single bedroom programmer.  Now, a game with this…

Jolly Rover

The latest thing I’m playing:  Jolly Rover, by Andrew Goulding of Brawsome.  It’s totally bringing me back to the glory days of LucasArts and Sierra point-and-click adventures.  I was initially a bit doubtful about the whole “pirate dogs” setting, but I’d completely accepted it by about five minutes into the game.  As much as I…


I’m a day late in posting this, as the weather here was shocking enough yesterday that I didn’t even turn my computer on.  But it’s really worth mentioning that Terry Cavanagh has just released his epic platformer VVVVVV.  There are already a good number of lavish reviews on the net, so I’ll just give the…

Eufloria released

I need to take this opportunity to give a quick shout out to Alex and Rudolf, who have just released Eufloria, the updated, commercial-quality successor to their game “Dyson”, which was created for (and took second place in) the same Procedural Generation Contest at TIGSource for which I created the first version of MMORPG Tycoon.…