What’s going on

So here’s what’s going on. The video studio where I do the VGKnowHow series is closed for the first part of the year.  I’d initially hoped that I could put together a video on my own, just as a screencast, but it turns out that my computer just isn’t powerful enough to do that at…

The daily update

So I mentioned yesterday that my goal for today was to have guests extrapolating their lies a bit better, so they could tell lies which included information that they were only guessing at.  However, with holiday stuff going on, I actually didn’t get a whole lot of coding time to make progress on that front.…

Teaching a computer to lie

So yesterday, the obvious giveaway that a suspect was lying to you was that he suddenly wouldn’t see anyone else, even if that someone else was in the same room with him just a moment ago;  if he was lying about where he was going as he left the room, then he’d forget that other…

Site housekeeping

Just a few quick notices: I think I’ve re-fixed integration between the blog and the forums;  should no longer require re-logging in when you switch from one to the other. I’ve deleted a rather staggering number of accounts which had never posted anything to either the blog or the forums.  (About 4000 of them;  we…

Slowly progressing

The interesting thing about this murder mystery timeline generation is just how many special cases there are. Things like making sure that if (for example) I need to find a guest who can witness an event, I need to make sure that where I’m moving them to isn’t where they were fifteen minutes earlier or…