Yay, wasting time

I just spent two hours trying to figure out why my starfield-with-custom-rendering-code wasn’t rendering unless I put it somewhere which ought to have been behind the camera, and why all the tests for which stars were visible weren’t working correctly. Completely forgot that the camera transform needs to be supplied to the rendering code, for…

Here it is

As I’ve been trying to figure out what game to make for this Game in a Week project, I’ve had a lot of thoughts. I promised myself that I was going to make a smaller game — a game which I could have playable early in the week, instead of programming the basic features right…

It’s not.

I had an idea for Game in a Week #10 today, and smiled about it a lot until I realised that it was basically a re-telling of Bento Smile‘s classic Suicide Is NOT The Answer! So I shan’t be doing that. Real update later tonight.  :)

The end of Day Two

So I’m in an unusual spot, here at the end of day two. Normally at this point, I have virtually nothing to show for the week yet;  I’ve still been brainstorming ideas, and I won’t even start to pin down an idea until sometime on Wednesday.  And I suppose that this is true this time,…

We shouldn’t even be here

So here we are at the end of day 1 of Game in a Week #10. As usual, day one has been a slow day.  Apart from working the day job, I’ve mostly just been brainstorming what game to make this week.  And, I’ll confess, brainstorming terrain generation for MMORPG Tycoon 2.  Over on that…