
Has anybody else noticed that both games I designed under crunch conditions (Petition Damsel and Muncher’s Labyrinth) have an invulnerable player and a time limit? I wonder what that says about me.. If you want to be technical, then Starshot also has no lives and a time limit. And while Asteroids does have traditional limited…

Reflections on Muncher’s Labyrinth

So I’m generally pleased with how Muncher’s Labyrinth turned out, especially bearing in mind how little time I had to put it together. Since the original release on Sunday night, I’ve made a few more minor modifications.Most notably, there have been a few crash fixes, and in 1.0.3 I improved the Meat AI so that…

Muncher; complete!

All done, and with nearly an hour to spare! I spent way too much time polishing.. to the extent that I’ve spent the last hour writing a backstory. Right now I’m putting together binary packages; expect them up within about a half hour or so. :) I’m immensely pleased with how this came out. I’ll…

Time for a late lunch

Plenty more Munchers stuff has gone in in the last four hours. Most notably, there is now music, sound, a game over sequence (it’s kind of weak, but it’s there, and it’s a whole lot less abrupt and confusing than the one from Damsel), and a whole bunch of tweaks to gameplay, including an adaptive…