ThunderStorm, finished!

Wow. Who’d have thought that I’d go from design to fully playable game, including intro sequence, title screen, instructions, and credits scroll in just over seven hours? Granted, there’s an awful lot of code copy and pasted from elsewhere, but still. I’m making binary builds now; should have them up and ready for download within…

First playable

There probably won’t be a second playable (owing to a total lack of time), but here it is.  I’m currently calling it “ThunderStorm”, and it’s a somewhat wild and madcap shooter, which is probably way too generous to the player (total death comes quickly and unexpectedly, but very, very infrequently.  There is likely to be…

Disaster strikes!

Well, I didn’t see this one coming! I had my brilliant idea which was both cunning and simple to implement, and after work yesterday I quickly banged it out in just a half hour and.. It wasn’t fun. I called the idea “Cloud Racer”, and it revolved around the fictional, highly competitive sport of hotted-up…