Mauled by a bear

The very first time I’ve entered into combat and actually been chased and attacked by a monster.  It actually feels really different to do this yourself, rather than having AI subscribers doing it. Thoughts: Currently, monsters won’t attack you until you come within 10 meters of them.  This feels way, way too close.  I thought…

Today’s fun bug

So tonight, as part of bringing in the new combat system, I’ve smashed Monster Types and PC Classes together into the same thing.  That is, there’s no longer any difference between the classes that an AI subscriber can play, and the types of monsters that they can fight.  This means that it’ll be easily possible…

Today’s progress

Didn’t get as much done today as I wanted to. From yesterday’s list, I converted the top left information box to display the avatar’s statistics instead of the MMO statistics, and I got the player’s action bar to display and trigger the abilities of the avatar that the player’s currently inhabiting. However, I ended up…


So I’ve got the ability system mostly set up, and now need to actually start using it.  After some gentle prodding from Increpare (thanks, dude!), I’ve got the player able to control a PC within the game world. So far, the player can move around the same way that regular AI PCs do.  He has…

Further dull development

Oddly enough, these dry bits of engine development are often the most exciting to me, since they open up all sorts of exciting new possibilities, and make development substantially easier in the future. I’ve been doing further development on the “automatic save/load” system that I’ve talked about before;  the system which automatically handles loading and…