64 bits

So here’s something new. It’s been annoying me for ages that I couldn’t make a 64-bit version of MMORPG Tycoon 2.  Or any VectorStorm game, for that matter.  Well, that ends today. There was a surprising amount of work which went into making VectorStorm 64-bit compatible, but it’s all in place now, at last. Not…

Old hardware

Over the past few years, it’s been becoming more and more rare for me to find myself using a laptop;  I seem to have settled back into desktop machines.  But every once in a while, I still find myself using my five-year-old laptop;  the one that I was using when I first started developing MMORPG…

Today’s dev

Today I set out to make trees be properly selectable.  Yesterday, it was very, very tricky to actually click on a tree;  they just seemed to mostly ignore the cursor, depending on which bit of the tree you clicked on. Found the problem;  as it turns out, there were some bugs in the code which…

Trees! (Again!)

  So these are slowly coming along, again. A few points to notice: These are my first procedurally generated models which have a texture applied.  I added texture coordinates to generated models ages back, for use with shader effects (ironically also being displayed on an early tree model).  But  this is the first time I’ve…