Shapes and shots

I’m trying to get back into the habit of posting screenshots more frequently, as there’s been a lot of new stuff going on recently. Today’s screenshot is of a still-in-progress update to the procedural building construction code.  It’s still extremely simplistic, but I feel like this new approach gives a lot of benefits.  First, it’s…

Tycoon Camera

I made a major modification to MMORPG Tycoon 2’s edit-mode camera last week;  I took out the first-person view, and replaced it with a more Tycoon game-ish camera.  I said at the time that I really liked it — that it’s the first 3D-tycoon-game camera which didn’t intensely annoy me (including a few ones which…

What I’m up to these days

It’s becoming common for me to have a few weeks between posts to the blog.  Makes me feel a little sad.  I’ve just not been feeling very creative, lately, and so I haven’t had much to talk about.  MMORPG Tycoon 2 development has been completely stalled for the past few weeks, not for any good…


I just wanted to mention how thrilled I am to have the game’s minimap actually working. And it makes me smile a bit that it’s drawing using basically the same style (and data files!) that I was using for the whole game in MMORPG Tycoon 1.1. In the minimap, the player is represented as a…


So here’s something fun (for me).  At the start of this week, I received one of those fancy retina-display Macbook Pro laptops. While SDL doesn’t currently support the retina display on the Mac, I’ve hacked things together enough to get MMORPG Tycoon 2 running at standard (i.e. 2x) retina resolution.  And gosh it looks pretty.…