MS5 Incoming

I plowed through the three remaining editing tasks today, as well as the two remaining (known) editing bugs. That last bit of clean-up went much faster than I expected, and so MS5 is now basically ready to go! I’m now putting the builds together, and expect to post them a little later tonight if no…

Still no MS5 build, yet

The quest editing interface that I designed turned out to be a lot more complicated to implement than I’d expected.  In particular, the handling of dragging quest panels around was extremely fragile (since my UI system was really not designed for that type of interaction). But after working through most of the weekend, I’ve now…

Lines in screen space

I ran into a creative roadblock today, and so eventually gave up and worked on a technical problem, instead: making the engine’s 3D line rendering work using screen-space line widths. That is, if I ask for lines 5 pixels wide, I should get lines 5 pixels wide, no matter how close or far they are…

Tracking toward MS5

I originally set my goal for the MS5 build as tomorrow; Friday the 10th of July. I’m close, but I think it’ll probably stretch out to Saturday. It’s been a little tricky, wiring up the new quest editing interface. As a bonus, I’ve also hooked up the “info panel”; a replacement for the “inspect panel”…