Making paths between regions

I’ve been ill for a lot of the last week (and am still suffering from the dregs of that), but I wanted to show a couple screenshots. Amongst other things, I’ve been working on making paths between regions. Originally, my plan had been to simply make simple tunnels — when creating a path from region…


As much as I think there should be more blue skies in video games, MMORPG Tycoon 2’s default appearance possibly was a little over the top, and it made everywhere in the world look a little bit the same. As of now, each MMO game region now gets different environmental settings, in addition to the…

Zoning regions

As I’m working on the current “progression” milestone, I’ve finally re-implemented “zoning”; setting the level range for regions. In the end, I decided that a simple, color-coded informational view was the best way to show that, and so I’ve mostly mimicked the view I used in MMORPG Tycoon 1, overlaid on top of the full…

The next step for MMORPG Tycoon 2

Earlier this week I posted my milestone 6 build, which included (amongst other things) a huge rewrite of the core AI engine which drives the subscriber engine. There were a few things that need to go in, which didn’t make it. Most notable among those, of course, is teams. There are a lot of challenges…

Milestone 6 build

Finally made it! I was hoping to be at this point a month ago, but some contract work came up and I failed to structure my time in such a way that allowed me to continue being productive on non-contract work. But I’m finally figuring that out and getting back on track, and the first…